Checking of security and biometric status through fusion sensor
Through the HDS fusion solution based on the latest UWB (Ultra Wide Band), it detects intrusion, occupancy, and others. It also detects the customers to ensure safety.

The latest solution is designed to check the health condition by wirelessly detecting the customer's bio-signals that convert the vibrations generated in the human body into data equipped with a micro-vibration pattern recognition algorithm.
Through the HDS fusion solution based on the latest UWB (Ultra Wide Band), it detects intrusion, occupancy, and others. It also detects the customers to ensure safety.
No Weather Impact
Unaffected by weather, such as temperature, humidity, fog, rain, and snow
No elements that infringe on privacy (GDPR complied)
No lighting
Works in the dark without any lighting or in smoke with no visibility
Max 10m
Covers up to 10 m (32 ft) per sensor
Safe from electromagnetic wave
40 times less power than home Wi-Fi routers (6.5 to 8 GHz)
Wi-Fi / 4G / NB-IOT
Real-time monitoring via web
dashboard & mobile app
Classification | Detection method | Environmental obstacles | Micro movement | Stationary object recognition | Detection during sleep | False positive rate |
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Heat difference / reflected wave | Light, wind, cloak | x | x | x | 0.1% |
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Micro vibration | X | o | o | o | 0.01% |
01Fusion Sensor
Detection through microscopic vibrations (biological signals) of the body 99.9% accuracy
02Ultrasonic Sensor
Detection via microphone sound (sensitive)High false alarm rate
03PIR Motion Sensor
Detection through large movementsHigh false alarm rate
Security & Fire | Utilizing of Space | Energy Saving |
Security & Fire
Utilizing of Space
Energy Saving
The state-of-the-art service solution combining physical security with smart environment and healthcare provides customers with physical safety and healthcare.
Based on physical security such as intrusion detection and access confirmation, it provides the latest healthcare service that wirelessly detects customers' bio signals and services to create a smart environment and offers a variety of services by supplementing the shortcomings of existing security sensors.
It protects our customers' assets and takes care of their health with our safe and secure services at all times.
Not only status of physical security but also physical condition of customers are monitored to respond immediately to problems.
The accumulated data is encrypted with HDS's algorithm and processed into customer-specific data so that customers can check them over the Internet.
For smart homes, offices, and cities, it provides flexible scalability to build an integrated safety solution by linking with other systems.
HDS's fusion sensor is the latest solution that converts millions of vibrations generated in the human body into data with our micro-vibration pattern recognition algorithm designed to wirelessly detect the customer's bio signals to check their health even without body attachments.
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